Monday, August 30, 2010

[049] NIKE78 - Nick Marsh | ‘NIKE Wiis’

The user simply puts on the shoes, turns on the balance board/shoes (nike-wiis) and then plays as normal, except it's not a normal way to play. As you are now physically attached the to the board, the actions have changed, you can no longer simply step off, so you must lift your foot and stand on one leg or sit down when no pressure is required, making for an altogether interestingly different experience.
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NIKE78 - Nick Marsh | ‘NIKE Wiis’ from NIKE78 on Vimeo.

[048] Graffiti Analysis 3.0 Is Here

Graffiti Analysis is an extensive ongoing study in the motion of graffiti. Custom software designed for graffiti writers creates visualizations of the often unseen gestures involved in the creation of a tag. Motion data is recorded, analyzed and archived as a Graffiti Markup Language (.gml) file, a specifically formatted XML file designed to be a common open structure for archiving gestural graffiti motion data.
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Graffiti Analysis 3.0 from Evan Roth on Vimeo.

Friday, August 27, 2010

[047] Tristan Perich 1-Bit Symphony

Tristan Perich's 1-Bit Symphony is an electronic composition in five movements on a single microchip. Though housed in a CD jewel case like his first circuit album (1-Bit Music 2004-05), 1-Bit Symphony is not a recording in the traditional sense; it literally "performs" its music live when turned on.
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Tristan Perich: 1-Bit Symphony (Part 1: Overview) from Tristan Perich on Vimeo.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

[046] Frame Seductions

Frame Seductions explores the concept of looking outside of the video frame by tracking the head movements of people in front of the screen. Only a static but very seducing image can be seen from the distance but as visitors come nearer and turn their head to the left or to the right the perspective of the video on the screen automatically follows their gaze, enabling them to access material that would otherwise be outside of the filming frame. Viewers can this discover quirky scenarios lurking in the sidelines: characters appear in several places at once, exit through doors to reappear elsewhere and sometimes give the viewer or each other quizzical looks.
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we make money not art

Frame Seductions from Pierre Proske on Vimeo.

Frame Seductions reminds me of Re-Gaze that my friend from Parsons DT created.
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[045] Relational Lights

The work turns the light setting into a organism that can both live on its own or interact with spectators when they enter the roon. When viewers are outside the active tracking area, the system dialogue with the space by extruding and morphing sequences of geometric light forms. As soon as visitors enter the projected light-space, a collective and participatory expression of space unfolds.
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[044] Light Frequency Fingertips

Light Frequency Fingertips is a musical instrument composed of four fingercaps which transform light frequencies emitted by the displays of mobile phones into acoustic signals that can be mixed and faded during live performances.
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we make money not art